Spring has officially arrived at A New Leaf Floral! Our greenhouse is being kept off-site this year because of our brand new parking lot, but don’t worry we will have our usual selection of beautiful greenhouse plants behind our flower shop. This year all the plants will be outside on carts, so it will be easier shopping! No hot greenhouse to enter. We will also have a nice selection of potted plants out back on our patio. Our potted blooming and green plants make for a great gift! If you are interested in our Memorial Day delivery service please ask. More information on that coming soon!
Greenhouse Plants
Greenhouse plants at A New Leaf Floral will hopefully be coming the week of April 23rd. We are waiting for the weather to warm up, so that our greenhouse plants will have the best chance to thrive. We will have a good selection of plants, and we will have new hanging baskets this year. Our hanging baskets will include several types of plants in each basket, and should be very beautiful with all the colors. It’s never too early to start thinking about Mother’s Day and Memorial Day. We have a special Memorial Day service, and information on that service will be available on the website when we get into the month of May. Think Spring and warm temperatures!